Tag Archives: nails

Themaskofbeauty: Girly false nails!

18 Aug

Themaskofbeauty: Girly false nails!



Hello everyone,

Today I really felt like putting on some false nails, and going for a really girly, barbie-esce look. 


I popped out to town yesterday, and I brought some false nails from Boots. These are the Broadway, real life nails, in short length.Despite the “short” length, I actually had to file them down to my liking, but I know you can purchase “Real short” nail lengths to.These retail for £4.40.Image

A couple days before, I purchased the Barry M, Gelly Hi-Shine in 332,Grapefruit. I love this wild, bright, girly pink colour, and I thought it was fantastic for the false nails. This was £3.99.


As a top/ glittery coat, I was given this as a gift from last year. It is a Sephora glittery nail paint. It looked fantastic as a top coat, but it does not have a name 😦


This is my finished look!


I hope you enjoyed this, and keep requesting, commenting, liking and following!

Katie 🙂


Holiday daisy nails!

22 Jul

Written by Themaskofbeauty:

Holiday daisy nails!


Hello everyone,

I am going to Spain in 2 days, and I really wanted to publish at least 1 more blog before I leave.I got my inspiration for these nails on Youtube. This nail look is great for the spring and summer!

I literally just grabbed a toothpick and did around 4-5 white dots, for the petals, and a gold dot in the middle. I used Essie’s mint candy apple as my base, which you can buy in boots for around £7.99. If you have any questions or comments, leave them below, this took me around 30 mins, if your patient, and its really quite easy!



Review: Revlon 260 “Girly” Nailpolish:

23 Jun

Written by Themaskofbeauty:

Review: Revlon 260 “Girly” Nailpolish:



Today I thought I would go out, and treat myself to a new nail polish. I instantly loved this one by Revlon, number 260, named “Girly”.My first impression of it was that it was a very fluid and a watery consistency. As soon as the glitter pieces and confetti came onto my nails, I thought it looked fantastic! I guarantee you that the bottle of polish will last you a long time, as you do not need to apply a lot for a nice finish.


This was the finished look, aside the texture is fairly bumpy, I really love the colors! This nail polish is also quite sheer, but as you can see in the photo, I don’t particularly mind that.I also think this shade is great for a summer look, or a girly one!

I was inspired to purchase this nail polish from Louise, or Spirinkleofglitter off of youtube, as she put a photo on instagram, and I just needed to purchase it!

This revlon polish can be purchased at Boots for £6.49.

Let me know of you would like anything reviewing, or just leave your comments below!

Thankyou for reading!


🙂 xo



2 Classy Sisters

By Michelle & Rachel

Polished by Amy

Nail Artist and Blogger